Mesa, Arizona

ECO MESA is a proposed mixed use purposefully sustainable, 7-story infill development of 102 apartment homes set above commercial offices and restaurants that demonstrates what is possible with today’s technology. To accomplish this objective, we approached the design process from the inside out, with sustainability components at the heart of the building’s design. The project boasts a lush landscape and amenity deck irrigated by 100% greywater from 1/3 of the resident’s showers. Due to constricted site limitations permeable paving and suspended pavement are being proposed in order to ensure proper maturation of street trees through needed soil levels to reduce urban heat island issues as well as providing storm water retention.

The landscape and irrigation design will compliment the project architecture and enhance the nearby pedestrian corridors. The landscape design considers all prominent micro-climates that are all too often misunderstood in downtown areas. Plant selection and associated irrigation design takes into consideration all components of these microclimates and how they will impact the related plant material, and how the plant material can actually benefit from said climates (shade vs. sun, seasonal changes, reflective heat, etc.) Tree locations were carefully selected in a manner that will maximize the amount of shade provided over the nearby sidewalks and pedestrian corridors. Additionally, shrub and groundcover selection/placement will add visual interest to these pedestrian walkways. The majority of the plant material is of a lower maintenance requirement, which will lower the overall green-waste generation of the project, and ultimately lower its environmental footprint. The north facade of the building will incorporate different green wall systems appropriately placed to minimize irrigation, decrease energy costs on the building envelope, and provide a respite from the urban environment.

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