Page, Arizona

The current Glen Canyon Warehouse Building under use by Bureau of Reclamation’s Glen Canyon Field Division (Reclamation) is a 50 year old 34,000 sq ft building. Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, established revised 2016 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings (Guiding Principles). This project is being classified as a modernization and will now house office space for both Western Area Power Administration, (WAPA) and Bureau of Reclamation, (BOR) personnel. The site also hosts a 4.7 acre fenced yard for associated equipment and materials. WERK | urban design also provided all of the associated 3D modeling for the project. Consideration went into providing a natural look for the drainage basins located around the facility and adjacent parking lot.

We are providing landscape architectural services for upgrading grounds around the building to reduce water consumption, provide shade for passive cooling, and upgrade existing drainage systems for a renewed multi-use facility. The project supports Reclamation’s goal to comply with the requirements of the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings.

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